Saturday, May 9, 2009
Just about the prettiest thing
That I have ever made is almost done. My Autumn Rose sweater, started last November in a big furious pace and then slowed down, is finally done - except to trim tack down the steek. So, no finished photo yet. But - I have finished a bunch of other stuff. We went to California in the trailer and my dad got deathly ill we found out on our return. Seriously, he almost died. It was so scary and has been a really hard time for all of us. Good news is that he's now out of the woods and on his way to recovery, but it will be a long road. So now its just a big line of photos of finished objects from the past two months. Not pictured is a pair of Salto socks in Shibui Knits Grey, a lacy mohair scarf for Sophie's ballet teacher and an almost done Owls sweater in Rowan Purelife. Looking at it all together makes it seem like I have done alot!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Originally uploaded by wotocho
Oh its finally done. For the past few months I've been haunting the thrift stores collecting vintage ornaments to make a wreath like this one
After many sticks of glue, burnt finger tips and one rather sliced thumb (should have taken a photo of that - lots of blood) its finally done. There are still some gaps that I admittedly started to fill in with non vintage baubles but stopped m
yself because it didn't seem right. I'll fill in the gaps with those that I collect over time. There were actually some ornaments that I just had to put on the tree they were so fabulous. A 50 cent box of 9 ornaments of the most fabulous shades of Christmas, made in Eastern Germany. I was rather nervous putting it up, wondering if I'd have a big fall like pixiegenne but its still hanging on the wall and looking lovely. I lurv it.